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The College


St. Columba’s College is a Voluntary Secondary school under the trusteeship of CEIST (Catholic Education, an Irish Schools Trust). The Trustees determine the ethos of the school. St. Columba’s seeks to form a community of students, teachers, parents, management and auxiliary staff. The community tries to live by Gospel values that recognise the dignity of each individual.

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In 1968 The Sisters of Mercy took charge of the Finn College in Ballybofey which had been handed to the Bishop of Raphoe by Ms. Logue, daughter of the founder. St. Columba’s College began with 69 students and 9 teachers and the first principal of the new school was Sr. Carmel Kiernan.

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School Management

St. Columba’s College is managed by a Board of Management set up by the Trustees of the College. Each Board of Management is appointed for three years and consists of nominees of the trustees, members of the teaching staff elected by teachers and parents who are elected by parents. The Board meets at least three times a year but normally once a month when the school is in session.

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School Day

Classes are timetabled from 9.05 am to 4.05 pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.  Classes are timetabled from 9.05 am to 1.25 pm on Wednesdays.

8:00 am   School canteen opens at 8.00am each morning and light breakfast is available.                                                                                        

8:45 am   School doors open.

8:50 am   First bell-students should collect books from their lockers and go to the Assembly Hall.

9.00 am   Assembly begins / Tutor Class 

9.05 am  1st class period (1 hour)

10:05 am  2nd class period (1 hour.)

11:05 am Morning break (20 mins.) During the morning break students can go to their lockers and take books for the next three classes.

There is also an opportunity to go to the toilets.

11:25 am 3rd class period (1 hour)

12:25 pm 4th class period (1 hour)

1:25 pm   Lunch break - Snack and hot lunches available in school Canteen.

1:55 pm  First bell after lunch - students collect their books and go to class.

2:05 pm  5th class period (1 hour)

3.05 pm  6th class period (1 hour)

The final bell sounds at 4.05 pm.

Supervised Study is offered to all students after school Monday to Friday. There is a small fee to cover costs and a snack is provided.


Parents will be notified of the school calendar AT THE BEGINNING OF EACH ACADEMIC year.


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